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Confirmed Colleges

Please note that these universities are pending due to COVID reasons. They have all confirmed interest for the event and their desire to come if the dead recruiting period is over (currently until September 30th.)


Wake Forest University


University of South Florida


Boston College


University of Illinois


Louisiana State Univesity


University of Nebraska


University of Pittsburgh


Indiana University


Cornell University


Marquette University


University of Alabama


Samford University


University of Iowa


Hofstra University

University of California, Santa Barbara

University of California, Santa Barbara


University of Dayton


Marshall University


Auburn University


Stetson University


Iowa State University


Butler University


Old Dominion University


Texas Christian University


Stony Brook University


Youngstown State University




Jacksonville State University


University of Vermont


University of Louisiana


University of Hartford


Colorado College


Bowling Green State University


Western Carolina University


UMass Lowell University


Troy University


University of Alabama, Birmingham


St Bonaventure University


University of New Hampshire


Louisiana Tech University


University of Missouri, Kansas City


Fairleigh Dickinson University


East Tennessee State University


Canisius College


Binghamton University


University of Buffalo


Northwestern University


Lees McRae College



LOCATION: St-Laurent Complex

2385 Boulevard Thimens, Saint-Laurent, Quebec H4R 1T4


For: Soccer athletes (boys & girls) looking for a scholarship!


Come show your skills in front of the US college coaches of the NCAA and NAIA!


‣ Participation fee: $ 475


During the university event, you will have the chance to:


• Play a minimum of 2 games in front of the NCAA and NAIA university coaches.

• Meet the coaches personally during the event

• Attend a conference on the university process and the different steps to complete to obtain a scholarship.

• Lunch will be provided during the event

• Receive a T-shirt for the event


The number of players is limited for this event. Once the maximum capacity is reached, the event will be closed.


A selection of event athletes will be made to ensure the level of play and the success of the event.


Register now, free of charge, before it's too late.

You will then be contacted by email to confirm if you have been selected for the event.


Would you like to sponsor our event? Here's our sponsorship packages.

No events at the moment



  • Qui peut participer à l'événement?
    Les athlètes de tennis qui ont un UTR entre: Gars: entre 9 et 14 Filles: entre 8 et 13 Une sélection sera faite à partir de tous les participants à l'événement.
  • Quel est l'âge minimum/maximum pour participer?
    Pour participer, les athlètes doivent avoir entre 14 et 19 ans, soit l'âge idéal pour le recrutement des entraineurs américains.
  • Puis-je participer si je ne viens pas du Québec/Canada?
    Oui absolument, l'événement est ouvert à tous ceux qui entrent dans les critères de sélection, peu importe l'emplacement.
  • Est-ce que le nombre d'athlètes qui participent est limité?
    Oui, nous avons accès à 8 à 12 terrains pour l'événement. Nous devons donc optimiser l'espace pour seulement 48 athlètes (24 gars, 24 filles). Faites-vite avant qu'il ne reste plus de place!
  • Comment je fais pour m'inscrire?
    Il suffit simplement de cliquer sur le bouton "s'incrire" ci-haut et entrez vos coordonnées. Nous contacterons tous les athlètes inscrits par courriel afin de leur confirmer ou non s'ils ont été sélectionnés pour le tournoi.
  • Puis-je canceller ou me faire rembourser en cas d'imprévu?
    Il n'y a aucun remboursement possible à partir du moment où le paiement a été fait. Par contre, si l'événement est annulé, nous rembourseront tous les athlètes qui auront déjà payé.
  • Comment puis-je vous contacter?
    Vous pouvez nous contacter en tout temps à
  • Comment ça fonctionne si un entraineur est intéressé par moi?
    C'est simple, pendant l'événement les entraineurs pourront vous approcher et vous parler (si vous avez franchi la date du 15 juin de votre secondaire 4). Il y aura aussi des temps alloués pour la discussion avec ceux-ci. Dans tous les cas, suite à l'événement nous serons en mesure de faire le suivi avec les athlètes identifiés par courriel, ce qui sera le cas pour les plus jeunes qui n'ont pas le droit de discuter avec des entraineurs de la NCAA.
  • Est-ce qu'il y a une date limite d'inscription?
    Oui, nous prenons les inscriptions jusqu'au 15 juin 2022.
  • Quelles sont mes chances d'obtenir une bourse?
    Tout dépend de la performance lors de l'événement. Notre sélection des athlètes sera fait en fonction du potentiel pour décrocher une bourse. Il faut aussi garder en tête que si vous êtes identifiés par un entraineur, cela ne veut pas dire que vous aller décrocher une bourse. Il restera plusieurs étapes à franchir par la suite, et nous pourrons vous aider avec nos services à réaliser ces étapes.
  • Who can participate?
    Tennis athletes who have a UTR between: Guy: between 9 and 14 Girls: between 8 and 13 A selection will be made from all participants in the event.
  • What's the minimum/maximum age to participate?
    To participate, athletes must be between 14 and 19 years of age, the ideal age of recruiting for NCAA/NAIA coaches.
  • Can I participate if I'm not from Quebec and/or Canada?
    Yes absolutely, the event is open to all who enter the selection criteria, regardless of location.
  • Is the number of athletes limited?
    Yes, we have access to 8 courts for the event. So we have to optimize the space for only 48 athletes (24 boys, 24 girls). Hurry before there is no space left!
  • How do I register?
    Simply click on the "REGISTER NOW" button above and enter your details. We will contact all registered athletes by email to confirm whether or not they have been selected for the showcase.
  • What's your cancellation policy?
    There is no refund possible from the time the payment was made. However, if the event is canceled, we will reimburse all athletes who have already paid.
  • How can I contact you?
    You can contact us anytime at
  • What happens if a coach is interested in me?
    It's simple, during the event the coaches will be able to approach you and speak to you (if you have passed the date of June 15th of your secondary 4). There will also be time allocated for talks with them. In any case, following the event we will be able to follow up with the athletes that have been identified by email, which will be the case for the youngest players who are not allowed to talk with NCAA coaches.
  • What is the registration limit date?
    We take registrations until June 15th, 2022.
  • What are my chances to land a scholarship?
    It all depends on your performance during the event. Our selection of athletes will be made according to the potential to land a scholarship in the US. You should also keep in mind that if you are identified by a coach, this does not mean that you will get a scholarship. Several steps need to be done afterwards, and we can help you with our regular services to accomplish these steps.


January 9th 2021


January 10th 2021


January 8th 2021



  • Information session and opening of the event. Mandatory for all athletes and parents.

  • Conference on Sports Ambitions services

  • Conference with an NCAA Division 1 university coach and one of our Sports Ambitions athletes currently in the United States.


  • Arrival of athletes

  • Male and female training session



  • Boys & girls matches

  • Time to chat with the coaches


  • Arrival of athletes

  • Boys & girls matches

  • Time to chat with the coaches

Sports Ambitions © 2025
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